Class InhibitorArc

  • public class InhibitorArc
    extends PTArc
    If there is an arc a with a weight w=W(p,t) connecting a place p with a transition t, then t can be enabled in a marking m if the following condition is satisfied:
    m(p) < w
    More info
    • Constructor Detail

      • InhibitorArc

        public InhibitorArc()
    • Method Detail

      • isExecutable

        public boolean isExecutable()
        Returns true if source place has fewer tokens then arc weight.
        isExecutable in class Arc
        true if
        m(p) < w
        false otherwise.
      • execute

        public void execute()
        Does nothing. The token situation on p is not changed by the firing of t, i.e. m'(p) = m(p).
        execute in class Arc
      • rollbackExecution

        public void rollbackExecution​(java.lang.Integer tokensConsumed)
        Does nothing. The token situation on p is not changed by the firing of t, i.e. m'(p) = m(p).
        rollbackExecution in class Arc