Class ConfigurableMenuService

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConfigurableMenuService

        public ConfigurableMenuService()
    • Method Detail

      • getNetsByAuthorAsMapOptions

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​I18nString> getNetsByAuthorAsMapOptions​(IUser author,
                                                                                            java.util.Locale locale)
        Constructs a map that can be used as a value for any MapOptionsField. The map will contain strings related to process nets authored by the provided user. A key of the map is a string of the form "<net identifier>:<net version>". The version portion of the string uses the dash (-) character to separate the major, minor a patch version numbers instead of the traditional dot character. A value of the map is an I18nString with no translations of the form "<net identifier> : <net version>". The default value of the net title is used.
        Specified by:
        getNetsByAuthorAsMapOptions in interface IConfigurableMenuService
        author - currently logged user
        an options map containing the identifiers and version of nets authored by the provided user as keys and their titles and versions as values
      • getAvailableRolesFromNet

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​I18nString> getAvailableRolesFromNet​(EnumerationMapField processField,
                                                                                         MultichoiceMapField permittedRoles,
                                                                                         MultichoiceMapField bannedRoles)
        Constructs a map that can be used as a value for any MapOptionsField.

        The map will contain roles from the net selected in the provided field, that are not present in either of the provided multichoice fields.

        A key of the map is a string of the form "<role identifier>:<net identifier>"

        A value of the map is the role title.

        Specified by:
        getAvailableRolesFromNet in interface IConfigurableMenuService
        processField - the value of the field determines the process whose roles are put into the result. The options key must match the format generated by the getNetsByAuthorAsMapOptions(IUser, Locale) method
        permittedRoles - the roles selected in this multichoice will not be present in the result. The option keys of this multichoice must match the format returned by this method
        bannedRoles - the roles selected in this multichoice will not be present in the result. The option keys of this multichoice must match the format returned by this method
        an options map containing the role and net identifiers as keys and the role titles as values
      • removeSelectedRoles

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​I18nString> removeSelectedRoles​(MultichoiceMapField mapField)
        Constructs a map that can be used as a value for any MapOptionsField. The map will contain all the options from the input field except for those that are selected in the input field.
        Specified by:
        removeSelectedRoles in interface IConfigurableMenuService
        mapField - a map field whose value complement we want to get
        a map containing all the deselected options of the provided field
      • addSelectedRoles

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​I18nString> addSelectedRoles​(MultichoiceMapField addedRoles,
                                                                                 EnumerationMapField processField,
                                                                                 MultichoiceMapField rolesAvailable)
        Constructs a map that can be used as a value for any MapOptionsField. The map will contain a union of the options that are already present in the addedRoles field with the options selected in the rolesAvailable field. The keys remain unchanged. The values of the map are a combination of the options from the addedRoles field (they remain unchanged) and new values corresponding to the new keys from the rolesAvailable field. The new values are of the form "<original value> (<net title>)"
        Specified by:
        addSelectedRoles in interface IConfigurableMenuService
        addedRoles - a field containing the preexisting options. The options of this field are assumed to be generated by this method.
        processField - a field containing the information about the selected process. The options of this field are assumed to be generated by the getNetsByAuthorAsMapOptions(IUser, Locale) method
        rolesAvailable - a field containing the selection of the new roles. The options of this field are assumed to be generated by the getAvailableRolesFromNet(EnumerationMapField, MultichoiceMapField, MultichoiceMapField) method
        a map containing a quasi-union of the options from the addedRoles and rolesAvailable fields