Class SecurityContextService

    • Constructor Detail

      • SecurityContextService

        protected SecurityContextService()
    • Method Detail

      • saveToken

        public void saveToken​(java.lang.String token)
        Saves token to the cache if the state of context object was changed and needs to be updated
        Specified by:
        saveToken in interface ISecurityContextService
        token - the token string to be cached
      • reloadSecurityContext

        public void reloadSecurityContext​(LoggedUser loggedUser)
        Reloads the security context according to currently logged user
        Specified by:
        reloadSecurityContext in interface ISecurityContextService
        loggedUser - the user whose context needs to be reloaded
      • forceReloadSecurityContext

        public void forceReloadSecurityContext​(LoggedUser loggedUser)
        Reloads the security context according to currently logged user from database
        Specified by:
        forceReloadSecurityContext in interface ISecurityContextService
        loggedUser - the user whose context needs to be reloaded
      • setUserService

        public void setUserService​(IUserService userService)